The chickends are treaded bad because they grab then and then some die and the live ones they kill them so we can eat them.Some farmers are treated bad because they made them do something bad by not cleaning the meat like they sopoust to.I think they are treated that way because we saw how they kill all the animals.And the farmers because some of them got arested.What we can do about it is no't buy that food no more.
I think the cows are treated kinda bad because they create hole on them so they can take out the things that they don't need.I think this because if we din't needed food they woun't kill all the animals.
I think the rate of diabetes is higher for minorities because we don't eat healthy food alot.
I think the farmers are the people that work in meat packing bacause they earn alot of money.
I think that the corporation has plant the soybean.And that afect's farmers by not leding them do their job.I think that because you cand plant the soybean's.
One way you could thake an idea and putt it like a video game is that you can take some food and clean it then you rap it in a bag and put it in the store so you can sell it.The heroe will be your self.The enemy's will be all the germs.My gol is to not let anithyng bad get into the food.And the money will be points and what ever you get for money you could spend it in other items by waisting your money and using other things.