Monday, April 28, 2014

Add Enemy

Write a blog post about what sorts of enemy behaviors you'd think would make your game more interesting.

My enemy will move sideways and try to catch the player so that the player can lose quickly. I think that's how my game will look better. Because at least my enemy work . I want to make my enemy move fast so that the player can die fast. Or that the timer stops, and the player can die too.

Add Scoring

Write about which types of victory conditions you prefer. Do you like games which you need to achieve a high score or do you prefer games in which the objective is to get to the end? Support your answer by stating why.

I prefer the games in which the object is to get to the end. Because that way the player can finish fast playing the game. And the player dies fast so that it can play again and again. I want to make the game impossible to play. So they could stop playing my game.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Create A Collectable

Write a blog post about collectable objects. What will your players earn for collecting your collectable objects and how will that enhance the educational value of your game?

The player will have to get the collectable witch is the button with its name . The player will get a point for getting the collectable . And if I make a level 2 they can move to player 2 and play that one too. I think that my game will look better like that.

Add Keyboard Control

What are some other ways you can make your game more interactive?

By adding more sound and more ingredients on my game. I think that will make it more fun to play or at least interesting .The sound can distract the player while his playing so that in that way they wont feel bored. And the ingredients to make my game more interesting & fun to play is.

Add Game Ingredients

Write about a problem you overcame while working on the code for one of your game ingredients.

When I was trying to make my lose & win screen . I had a lot of trouble because it was hard for me to put my own code. I didn't know what to put for the code because it said if ... & I didn't understand. So I decided to ask for help and they help me with it . I had a lot of problems with the code because it was hard for me to understand how it all worked. & what type of code had to go in each of the labels.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Move With Game Loop

Write about other actions you'd like your player to perform. How do you think you might accomplish this with code?

I want my player to get to the finish line without touching the lines. Or if not its going to have to start all over again from the beginning. I think I can accomplish this with the code. because you need the code in order for the player to move,or to play. I can also accomplished this by getting help from the computer or from wiki. They let you know how everything works. & how you can make it better.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Program First Action

I think the _y will make it go back like it was before. I didn't try experimenting different values because its to hard. I don't know the results because I haven't done it. The results didn't surprise me, cause I don't know what were the results.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Charles Drew

Write a blog post about the player's backstory. Include information about his or her motivations and their characteristics.

Charles Drew was an researcher of medicine. In 1941, Drew's distinction in his profession was recognized when he became the first African American surgeon selected to serve as an examiner on the American Board of Surgery. His motivation was his father's death.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Paper Prototype

Write about making a paper prototype. What problems did it help you to solve with your game idea?

I Didn't Have No Problems,Because I Knew What I Was Going To Do For My Game. But At The Beginning It Was Kind Of Hard On Choosing A Game. There Really Lots Of Games You Can Do But Its Hard To Choose A Game. I Fixed All The Problems With My Game.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Plan Game Scene

I Think This Game Will Be Hard To Play And I Really Don't Know How In Going To Do My Game Cuz I Don't Understand How To Make A Game. Nothing Really Excites Me About The Game.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chose A Topic

My Topic Will Be About History, How People Fight Over Little Things When They Can Fixed Things In Another Way. In My Game There Will Be War And Then A Person Trying To Stop All The Fighting.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Play To Learn

What Idea Did You Get For Your Game ?
 ~ I Got The Idea Of Making My Game Hard And People Loosing Fast. Also To Let The Player Guide Themselves And Putt Instructions In My Game So People Know How It Has To Work. Also How You Can Win Points Or Loose Points. I Want To Make My Game Hard So No Body Could Pass It ! And To Get To Attached To The Game And Play It Over And Over Until They Pass That Game. That's The Ideas I Got For My Game.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


What Is One Place In The World You Will Like To Visit ?
~ I Would Like To Visit Paris. They Say Its A Really Good Place And Its Fun Over There.
Why Do You Want To Go There ?
~ I Want to Go There Couse When I Watch Movies And See Paris In There, Its Really Beautiful And That's Why I Would Like To Go Visit Paris.
What Will You Do And See There ?
~ I Would Go And See The Big Tower That Its In Paris. The One Everyone Goes And Watch.

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Weekend

My weekend was good, we went to the zoo with the family. I saw a lot of animals that I dint even know they exist. We took a lot of pictures with the animals. And at the end there was a train and we ride it. On the ride there was a lot of people and we were waving hi at them. It was cool because they were waving  back at us. I can say it was a pretty good weekend, even doe I dint do nothing on Sunday only watch movies. And  at the morning we went to the mall.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Do The Right Thing

The time I had to do something right but it was hard, it was the day that I was going out with a boy and people said that he flirted with girls but I never listen because I loved him a lot. until one time I was that he was really flirting with a girl, so I didn't know what to do. I was shocked, I couldn't believe that he was literally doing that.  My friends told me that he wasn't worth my tears so I  had to let him go. That was the day that I had to let something go, that was really hard for me.