Thursday, December 13, 2012


  • my game was about math and finding things that belong to the objects of math.I want the players to learn about the things that go with the math.
  • I was doing the research from google to find out the pictures of math that you use in math. i learn about the objects that you use.
  • Because when i was working on it,it came to my mind and i did it how i was tinking about it.
  • My  ideas change by making more objects.
  • when i had to do the actions cus  it dint wanted to do it.
  • I overcome by making people make my work wile i watch them and learn how to do the work.Im most proud of how i did almost all my work and some help.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Game project

It was easy because we had to do a project about math.And it was also about how to figure out how to put objects hidden.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I did a paper about math and it includes math things.I chose math because its my faborite project.i did some objects abouth things that you use for math and am gonna hide them and see who finds them.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

play to learn part 1

i learn to search for hidden objects.I got the idea of making abunch of things and then draw hidden objects and see if they found out were the hidden objects are.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

next game

I will make a game about hidden objects.Im scared of making something and not knowing what i just did

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Spirit of the Marathon

A marathon is a race where you participate and win just for runing and bing in 1st place.Because they like running.They want to win the race.They doit to set up a record for themself.girl,Ryan Bradley because he injure his nee and tryed his best to go do the marathon.To run the marathon and win.Because there putting efort to the marathon and dont care about the spirit that much.

Friday, May 11, 2012

My game

My final game is about a farmer trying to chace a chicken.

What i really like about my game was that 1)we put alot of effort to it.2)That my game got to move.3)Also that some people help us more & our game got better.

What we could have done different is that 1)we could make more enemys.2)The other thing is that my partner could putt more effort in our game.3)to stop playing and stay on task.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New rage keeps somali boys of street

The story was about some kids that live in small rooms and have little tv's.Also that they don't have chairs they only have desks to sit.The people who did bad things  got punish by not leding them use the video games.Kids skip classes so they can go  play games because they think that the games help you learn better.They also do that so they can't not start fighing whith other people.That country is a violence country because of all the things that happends in there.Thats why they go and play video games.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

chiken video

The chickends are treaded bad because they grab then and then some die and the live ones they kill them so we can eat them.Some farmers are treated bad because they made them do something bad by not cleaning the meat like they sopoust to.I think they are treated that way because we saw how they kill all the animals.And the farmers because some of them got arested.What we can do about it is no't buy that food no more.

I think the cows are treated kinda bad because they create hole on them so they can take out the things that they don't need.I think this because if we din't needed food they woun't kill all the animals.

I think the rate of diabetes is higher for minorities because we don't eat healthy food alot.

I think the farmers are the people that work in meat packing bacause they earn alot of money.

I think that the corporation has plant the soybean.And that afect's farmers by not leding them do their job.I think that because you cand plant the soybean's.

One way you could thake an idea and putt it like a video game is that you can take some food and clean it then you rap it in a bag and put it in the store so you can sell it.The heroe will be your self.The enemy's will be all the germs.My gol is to not let anithyng bad get into the food.And the money will be points and what ever you get for money you could spend it in other items by waisting your money and using other things.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

platform game

The last three weeks we habe learn about platform game,and we enjoyed working on thisproject.Because there were new things to learn about and becausewe hade fun tiping things down.I habe learn alot of things like how to delite things how to pase things from one thing to the otherone.I learn that i should be more slower on what am doing.My faborite thing of this project wuz the tiping because i dint like the other things.What i dint like about the project wuz that we habe to watch the video.I think that the project wuz challenging becausewe had to do to much words and we habe to be berry carfull on what we were writing because for one litle mistake we hade to start all over.